Wednesday, December 25, 2019

The Basics of Summarizing Essay Samples

The Basics of Summarizing Essay Samples Many people think that high school entrance essays are comparatively simpler to write than college entrance essays, that is the reason there are fewer places where you are able to get assistance with higher school entrance essays. If more youths set their targets and review their routines as significant school students, they'd be in a position to attain more success. When picking a high school essay format, step one is to recognize the kind of essay you will need to write. Before you commence reading the full article, you have to scan it for content first. When you need to compose a summary for research paper, you will want to learn how to proceed from start to complete. When you're in high school, it's definite that you're expected to do a few write-ups and projects which require pen and paper. This gives you an edge from your classmates. We'll manage your high school essay. Fully being a happy high school student wouldn't be possible without my loved ones. Katniss has survived the start of the war. When you compose a quick essay, you have to keep in mind that there aren't any elements to be sacrificed. The main portion of a quick essay is known as the body. The Fundamentals of Summarizing Essay Samples That You Can Benefit From Beginning Right Away You don't need to return to school to prepare for the GED test. Also, as a result of advancement in medicine, doctors have the ability to tell whether a kid would be born with a chronic disease. A youngster needs certain conditions as a way to live. An excellent case of a question a parent could possibly be asked is the way the parent thinks their little one will add to the school. Summarizing Essay Samples Explained So as to accomplish this, you should be familiarized with the work you're summarizing. You need to read the example answers to acquire ideas about what are good kinds of answers and what are bad varieties of answers. The author must be in a place to present the ideas in a professional fashion, showing in depth comprehension of the info found on the essay. Moreover, our English-speaking writers make sure every order has original content and a suitable structure. It helps the readers to think critically about a specific issue, and to weigh the 2 sides regarding such matter. Research articles usually utilize standard formats to communicate in a very clear manner all kinds of information regarding an experiment. It's surprising how quickly comp points can accumulate! Add a couple of middle paragraphs, where you speak about specific points in your primary idea. Whatever They Told You About Summarizing Essay Samples Is Dead Wrong...And Here's Why This writing company makes sure their papers are all the wonderful quality and all the customers are happy. Employing reliable sources for research is important. Writing a superb summary isn't as simple as it may appear. There are times some teachers aren't professional or don't explain a number of the lessons well. GED Online enables you to prepare for the GED test by employing online classes and practice tests. Teachers could quit policing recalcitrant students and begin educating. Second, students opposed to learning would not have the capability to pollute the educational atmosphere for people who wish to learn. They should decide which position they should take based upon the quantity and quality of the points they are able to come up with to support their position.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

One Nation Under God The Lasting Effects of the Second...

There exists a long held belief that the United States of America was founded on the principles and doctrinal views of Protestantism. Modern age Christians have scoured historical documents in an effort to provide evidence for a Judeo-Christian foundation in the nation’s republican framework. Likewise, their opponents have written lengthy dissertations and argued over various media outlets that Christian conclusions are unfounded. Yet despite their endless debate, religion, especially Christianity, has and continues to play a fundamental element of America’s cultural, societal, and political makeup. The Second Great Awakening, the religious revivalist movement of the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries, ignited not only a†¦show more content†¦The overall objective of the revival movement, which was to win souls for Christ’s Kingdom, was very clear to Charles Grandison Finney. Perhaps the most famous revivalist of the period, Finney struck a ch ord with the people through his â€Å"charismatic personality and intuitive sense of his audience...always [preaching] extemporaneously, never from a prepared script.† More importantly, he deviated from Reformationist thought by insisting that â€Å"’a revival of religion is not a miracle’, but a human work, a ‘result of the right use of the constituted means.’† What emerged was a structured system of religion that outlined how to obtain the desired outcome of revivalism through â€Å"techniques of persuasion.† This included appealing to the emotions of his audience by asking potential converts to sit on the â€Å"anxious bench,† a seat at the front of the meeting hall designed to encourage conversion . Finney formally laid out these measures in his influential work Lectures on Revivals of Religion. His work meticulously details the methodology of how to conduct a revival, provides the framework for reaching sinners, and suggests rightful steps for spiritual growth. Perhaps the most important theme found within his lectures was his focus on the individual. To Finney, an individual, not God, was solely responsible for bringing about salvation; â€Å"There are many passages [in Scripture] which represent the conversion ofShow MoreRelatedImpact of Second Great Awakening on Modern Society1415 Words   |  6 PagesImpact of the Second Great Awakening in Modern-Day Society The Second Great Awakening laid the foundations of the development of present-day religious beliefs and establishments, moral views, and democratic ideals in the United States. Beginning back in late eighteenth century and lasting until the middle of the nineteenth century,1 this Protestant awakening sought to reach out the un-churched and bring people to a much more personal and vivid experience of Christianity. Starting on the SouthernRead MoreKey Themes Of The Great Awakening1542 Words   |  7 Pagesof government. American are willing to expire me to new things. We are a very open country. Americans do not feel constrained by the past. America believes they are exceptional. We believe we represent the best the world has ever seen. 2. The Great Awakening was many emotional revivals ignited by a huge sense of religious decline, fear of erosion of religion and the necessity of â€Å"rebirth† during the early 1730s. It began in southern colonies and quickly spread up the Atlantic coast to New EnglandRead MoreThe War Of 18123664 Words   |  15 Pagesnationalism and defense of their nation. 3.Second Great Awakening Protestant revivalist movement in early 1800s. Reaction against the rise of deism, skepticism, and rationalism. Church membership greatly increased and strength of the church increased in social life. 4.Non-Intercourse Act, Macon’s Bill No.2 Thomas Jefferson replaced the Embargo Act with Non-intercourse Act by forbidding the trade between the US and Britain and France in order to harm the economies of foreign nations as a punishment for impressmentRead MoreThe Words of President Lincoln Essay1873 Words   |  8 Pagesconflict. During his presidency, Lincoln spoke multiple times in regards to the Civil War. Shortly after being elected, Lincoln delivered the Gettysburg Address, which was followed by many more speeches including his second inaugural address. Both the Gettysburg Address and Lincoln’s second inaugural clearly display how Lincoln’s style of writing evokes emotion, and rally’s the audience. Not only were his words meaningful at the time but also can be a reminder of our country’s values today. The GettysburgRead More American Push For Independence Essay2474 Words   |  10 Pagesshow how the two distinct societies divided so much since settlement came together under a common American theme. It will finally explain why the theme of independence played such a great role in the development of Colonial America and how is a central idea of their culture. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The settlements of Virginia started as an economic venture to reap the land of its resources for the mother nation. It started very slowly due to the lack of preparedness of the colonists and investorsRead MorePaul Ricoeur - The Socius and the Neighbor5204 Words   |  21 Pagesthe story into a pattern for action. 6) Thus there is no sociology of the neighbor. The science of the neighbor is thwarted by the praxis of the neighbor. One does not have a neighbor; I make myself someones neighbor. 7) There is still another source for our astonishment: the point of the parable is that the event of the encounter makes one person present to another. It is striking that the two men who do not stop are defined by their social category: the priest and the Levite. They are themselvesRead MoreThe Transition from Feudalism to the Renaissance5428 Words   |  22 Pagesobligations and services up and down the hierarchy. Possession or use of the land obligated one to certain customary services or payments in return for protection. The lord was as obligated to protect the serf as the serf was to turn over a portion of his crop to or perform extensive labor for the lord. Customs were broken; of course, no system always operates in fact as it is designed to operate in theory. One should not, however, underestimate the strength of custom and tradition in determining theRead MoreA Critical Review of â€Å"the Ambiguities of Football, Politics, Culture, and Social Transformation in Latin America† by Tamir Bar-on.14147 Words   |  57 Pagesthat women play no part in the scheme of things? I can immediately off the top of my head name at least 5 male professional soccer players†¦ and not a single female player. Tamir Bar-On discusses in detail the influence of soccer in Latin America in great detail, yet makes little reference to female athletes and their influence, if there is any. Statement of Sociological Problem: Soccer, also known as â€Å"football† in some parts of the world has become much more than a sport. In fact, in some partsRead MoreGp Essay Mainpoints24643 Words   |  99 Pagesthe name). While Africans (arguably most underdeveloped continent) have relatively infrequent access to book and illiterate, but written word has greater penetration there than broadband †¢ Book is the readily available substitute †¢ Consider â€Å"One Laptop per Child† campaign †¢ Or cannot afford to establish a dial-up or pre-paid connection to the Internet Utility †¢ User-friendly with whole range of in-depth technical guides but serve as a distraction, hopping from link to link †¢ DistractionsRead MoreHistory of Social Work18530 Words   |  75 Pages..43 2 S.Rengasamy-History of Social Welfare / Social Work History of Social Welfare/ Social Work The need to understand history of social work The need to understand history of social work The diversity of social work represents a great challenge for social work research, education and practice in the rapidly internationalizing and globalizing world. This challenge can be met successfully only with a deep philosophical and historical understanding of the characteristics of a particular

Monday, December 9, 2019

Short Story Sophia Takes a Stand Essay Example For Students

Short Story Sophia Takes a Stand Essay Sophia walked outside with her class for recess. It was a cool October afternoon in South Arkansas. The sounds of children playing and yelling were roaring through the playground. Sweet Sophia had no idea she was about to take on the playground bully. Sophia was happy to have a break from her school work. She hurried to find Mary so they could play basketball and just as they started playing, Sophia caught a glimpse of Jessie and her posse approaching from the foggy shadows. Sophia smiled at them. Hey what are you doing? ? Jesse says to Sophia. Mary and I are playing basketball, you guys wanna play? ? Sophia replies. No, why dont you come over to the jungle gym and play with us? ? Hold on, let me go get Mary. ? Um, no Sophia, my mom doesnt allow me to play with kids like that, you know, black kids. ? Oh really? Well I cant play with people who are assholes. ? After the confrontation, Jesse and her posse were astonished at what Sophia said and they ran to tell the teacher on duty. Everyone was talking at once as the girls told Ms. Parker what Sophia said. As we all know there are two sides to every story, so Ms. Parker asked Sophia what happened and Sophia relayed her side of the story to Ms. Parker. After Ms. Parker got all of the facts, she decided that it would be best for the girls to go to the office to see the principal, Mrs. Reynolds. Ms. Parker went into the office first by herself, to discuss with Mrs. Reynolds what took place on the playground between Sophia and Jesse. After Ms. Parker told the principal what happen they called the girls into the office. Tensions were high as Sophia and Jesse walked into the principals office and sat down in front of Mrs. Reynolds sitting at her desk. Conflicted Mrs. Reynolds stood up in shock. Girls I am saddened to see you in my office, after hearing what Ms. Parker has told me I have no choice but to call your parents. ? Mrs. Reynolds said. Yes maam. ? Sophia and Jesse said in unison. Please go wait outside my office until your parents arrive and I contemplate the consequences of your actions. ? Yes maam. ? Sophia and Jesse slowly got up and walked outside of Mrs. Reynolds office to sit down in suspense to wait for their parents and the punishment they both knew was coming. Back in the principals office Mrs. Reynolds and Ms. Parker were contemplating what to do. I cant help but be proud of what Sophia did. ? Says Mrs. Reynolds. I have to agree with you. ? Ms. Parker said. What Jesse did was bullying and Sophia put a stop to it, I dont agree with how she worded it but I just dont feel right punishing Sophia for standing up against bullying. ? You are right Mrs. Reynolds, while we need to let her know there are better ways to words things we need to reassure her that she was right for standing up for Mary. ? Yes you are right Ms. Parker. Ok, the girls parents are here, I think we have come up with a punishment, so please go ahead and bring them in. ? Ok I will be right back. ? Sophias and Jesses parents walk into the office with disappointment on their faces and are lead into the principals office without saying a word to the girls. Sophia and Jesse follow their parents into the office to learn their fate. I am sorry to see all of you under these circumstances but after learning of what happened on the playground today I had no choice but to call you in. ? Mrs. Reynolds said. Let me inform you as to what happened between Sophia and Jesse. ? .u481613c30eadf5509047ddaad895700b , .u481613c30eadf5509047ddaad895700b .postImageUrl , .u481613c30eadf5509047ddaad895700b .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u481613c30eadf5509047ddaad895700b , .u481613c30eadf5509047ddaad895700b:hover , .u481613c30eadf5509047ddaad895700b:visited , .u481613c30eadf5509047ddaad895700b:active { border:0!important; } .u481613c30eadf5509047ddaad895700b .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u481613c30eadf5509047ddaad895700b { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u481613c30eadf5509047ddaad895700b:active , .u481613c30eadf5509047ddaad895700b:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u481613c30eadf5509047ddaad895700b .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u481613c30eadf5509047ddaad895700b .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u481613c30eadf5509047ddaad895700b .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u481613c30eadf5509047ddaad895700b .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u481613c30eadf5509047ddaad895700b:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u481613c30eadf5509047ddaad895700b .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u481613c30eadf5509047ddaad895700b .u481613c30eadf5509047ddaad895700b-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u481613c30eadf5509047ddaad895700b:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: The Play King Lear EssayMrs. Reynolds told Sophias and Jesses parents about the confrontation on the playground and let them all know what the consequences would be. Mrs. Reynolds said We usually give detention to a child for using profanity but in Sophias case she was shutting down bullying and I am highly taking that into consideration. We have decided not to give Sophia detention, but I will suggest that Sophia choose her words more wisely next time. What she said was highly inappropriate, so consider this her first and only warning. Sophias parents said We are shocked because thats not even on of the top three cuss words we use. ? Not smiling Mrs. Reynolds said As for Jesse I have decided that she will serve three days of detention as we have zero tolerance for bullying and I hope you will agree with me. ? Jesses parents just nodded in agreement and glared at Jesse. I hope everyone here has learned a valuable lesson about bullying and in the future will take everyones feelings into consideration. If that is all, the girls need to get back to their classes and Im sure you need to get back to work as do I. ?

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Why Muslim Women Wear Hijab free essay sample

In this contemporary age, there has been growing public concern about whether Muslim women should wear hijab in the Western world. Naheed Mustafa, who wrote My Body is My Own Business, asserts that wearing the hijab offers her freedom. On the other hand, Catherine Meckes, the author of Wearing a Uniform of Oppression, objects that wearing the hijab is like [be] an animal in a cage (Catherine Meckes 91). Personally, I am in favor of the former view. There are two reasons to support my opinion: earing the hijab represents Muslim womens sense of identity and rights. Convincing arguments can be made that Muslim women express their sense of identity by wearing the hijab. First of all, wearing the hijab stands for their own identity. Muslim women have been unrealistically stereotyped as victims who groan under the sexual oppression, even Catherine Meckes said that The result of such sexual tampering was severe punishment for the perpetrator-and also for women, having lost her value with her virtue, was cast out or killed, regardless of her innocence (Catherine Meckes 91), but they still stick to their style of dress. We will write a custom essay sample on Why Muslim Women Wear Hijab or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page It is hijab that can represent themselves who trust in God and are able to control their bodies. Consequently, Muslim women acknowledge themselves as respectable women but not violable by wearing the hijab. Moreover, Muslim womens sense of identification with their ethnic culture also can be revealed by wearing the hijab. Those women believe in God and obey the Korans instructions. The Koran expects Muslims, including men and women, to dress modestly, and has made it an obligation in Muslims minds. Obviously, the term hijab encompasses not only a head cover for Muslim women but also a symbol of piety of their ethnic culture. Therefore, wearing the hijab represents their sense of approval of Muslim culture as well. Lastly, there is no doubt that Muslim womens attitude on insisting wearing the hijab is not merely due to their esteem of their own traditional culture, but also reflects their lack of sense of identification with the Western worlds mainstream culture. Nevertheless they live there. Nowadays in the Western world, there has been a tacit rule that peoples worth should be proportional to their attractiveness, women have to feel compelled to pursue abstract notions of beauty, (Naheed Mustafa 125). Evidently under such a background, Muslim women would rather choose to wear hijab soundlessly than be subject to and dependent on Western main-stream culture. In other words, those womens silent opposition accurately demonstrates their confrontational stances towards western main-stream culture which objectifies women. However, it is unmistakable that Muslim womens sense of identity plays a pivotal role in wearing the hijab. Another reason why Muslim women should wear hijab is that those women have undisputed rights to determine what they wear or what they follow. To begin with, it is apparent that Muslim women prefer to cover their heads, necks and throats while numerous women these days expose their bodies or act out in order to attract public attention. However, oddly enough, Western society constantly describes women who dress modestly, wear the hijab, as to be oppressed, backward, submissive, degraded, but it constantly is generous and lays on the praise with a trowel when women who models media stars or magazines Cover girls latest style of dressing. In other words, we can find a fact that Whether its women who refuse to wear makeup or to shave their legs or to expose their bodies, society, both men and women, have trouble dealing with them (Naheed Mustafa 125). No wonder that a double standard is not hard to be figured out in those western countries. However, Western is not qualified enough to make the beauty standard exclusively and determine what Muslim women should wear. Therefore, Muslim women are also capable of defining their own beauty and then having every right to decide what they wear. Furthermore, the West has no right to prevent Muslim women from following what they want as well as wearing what they want. Specifically, according to the news, hijab has been banned in France or the other European countries shared places and schools. It is Muslim women who faithfully have the right to follow Muslim culture and the Korans instruction regarding appearance by wearing hijab, especially in cases where Western society allows people have rights to follow Western culture and media or magazines instructions of appearance. Consequently, wearing the hijab represents Muslim womens rights that permit them to decide on what they wear as well as what they follow.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

How Salt Melts Ice and Prevents Water From Freezing

How Salt Melts Ice and Prevents Water From Freezing Salt melts ice essentially because adding salt lowers the freezing point of the water. How does this melt ice? Well, it doesnt, unless there is a little water available with the ice. The good news is you dont need a pool of water to achieve the effect. Ice typically is coated with a thin film of liquid water, which is all it takes. Pure water freezes at 32 °F (0 °C). Water with salt (or any other substance in it) will freeze at some lower temperature. Just how low this temperature will be depends on the de-icing agent. If you put salt on ice in a situation where the temperature will never get up to the new freezing point of the salt-water solution, you wont see any benefit. For example, tossing table salt (sodium chloride) onto ice when its 0 °F wont do anything more than coat the ice with a layer of salt. On the other hand, if you put the same salt on ice at 15 °F, the salt will be able to prevent melting ice from re-freezing. Magnesium chloride works down to 5 °F while calcium chloride works down to -20 °F. Key Takeaways: How Salt Melts Ice Salt melts ice and helps keep water from re-freezing by lowering the freezing point of water. This phenomenon is called freezing point depression.Salt only helps if there is a little bit of liquid water available. The salt has to dissolve into its ions in order to work.Different types of salt are used as de-icing agents. The more particles (ions) formed when a salt dissolves, the more it lowers freezing point. How It Works Salt (NaCl) dissolves into its ions in water, Na and Cl-.  The ions diffuse throughout the water and block the water molecules from getting close enough together and in the right orientation to organize into the solid form (ice). Ice absorbs energy from its surroundings to undergo the phase transition from solid to liquid. This could cause pure water to re-freeze, but the salt in the water prevents it from turning into ice. However, the water gets colder than it was. The temperature can drop below the freezing point of pure water. Adding any impurity to a liquid lowers its freezing point. The nature of the compound does not matter, but the number of particles it breaks into in the liquid is important. The more particles that are produced, the greater the freezing point depression. So, dissolving sugar in water also lowers the freezing point of water. Sugar simply dissolves into single sugar molecules, so its effect on freezing point is less than you would get adding an equal amount of salt, which breaks into two particles. Salts that break into more particles, like magnesium chloride (MgCl2) have an even greater effect on freezing point. Magnesium chloride dissolves into three ions one magnesium cation and two chloride anions. On the flip side, adding a tiny amount of insoluble particulates can actually help water freeze at a higher temperature. While there is a bit of freezing point depression, its localized near the particles. The particles act as nucleation sites that allow for ice formation. This is the premise behind the formation of snowflakes in clouds and how ski resorts make snow when its slightly warming than freezing. Use Salt to Melt Ice - Activities You can demonstrate the effect of freezing point depression yourself, even if you dont have an icy sidewalk handy. One way is to make your own ice cream in a baggie, where adding salt to water produces a mixture so cold it can freeze your treat.If you just want to see an example of how cold ice plus salt can get, mix 33 ounces of salt with 100 ounces of crushed ice or snow. Be careful! The mixture will be about -6 °F (-21 °C), which is cold enough to give you frostbite if you hold it too long.Gain a better understanding of freezing point depression by examining the effect of dissolving different substances in water and noting the temperature required to freeze it. Good examples of substances to compare are table salt (sodium chloride), calcium chloride, and sugar. See if you can dissolve equal masses of each substance in the water in order to get a fair comparison. Sodium chloride breaks into two ions in water. Calcium chloride forms three ions in water. Sugar dissolves in water, but it doesnt break into any ions. All of these substances will lower the freezing point of water. Take the experiment a step further by exploring boiling point elevation, another colligative property of matter. Adding sugar, salt, or calcium chloride will change the temperature at which water boils. Is the effect measurable?

Saturday, November 23, 2019

French Expression Etre Dans Son Assiette - French Plate

French Expression Etre Dans Son Assiette - French Plate Lets start with a mistake you hear all the time: be careful to not say une assiette (a plate) instead of un sià ¨ge (a seat). Students get confused because the verb for to seat is sasseoir, so they think une assiette is related. Hence the mistake. A Plate Une Assiette We have different kind of plates used for different courses: Les Assiettes Plates (Flat): une petite assiette (une assiette fromage, une assiette dessert par exemple) - smaller plate used for cheese or dessert for example.une grande assiette (une assiette entremet) - a bigger plate, used for the main course.une assiette pain - a very small plate for the breadNote that a very small plate to put under a cup is called une soucoupe.   Les Assiettes Creuses (Deeper Plate) une assiette soupe: soup plate Les Plats (Serving Dishes) There are too many to list: des plats creux (deeper), des plats plats (yes, flat serving dish), and we often sort them by their shape or use : un plat rond, oval, carrà © (round, oval, square...), un plat poisson (for the fish), un plat tarte (pie)... un plat pour le four (for the oven). Ne Pas Être Dans Son Assiette   This weird idiom means to not feel/look well, to feel/look depressed.   Et bien, Camille, à §a va ? Tu es sure ? Tu nas pas lair dans ton assiette.Well, Camille, are you OK? Are you sure? You dont look well. And it has nothing to do with a plate! Actually, it does come from sasseoir, and has to do with the position one is sitting: Lassiette. Its an old French word, that nowadays is only used for horseback riding. We say: un bon cavalier a une bonne assiette. (a good rider has a good sitting position). Otherwise, the French word une assiette is used for a plate, thats all. Note that for the idiom ne pas à ªtre dans son assiette will always be used in the negative, and the possessive adjective will change to agree with the person you are talking about. Regarde Pierre : il na pas lair dans son assiette.Look at Pierre: he doesnt look well.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Personal Statement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 23

Personal Statement - Essay Example While at David Game College I have learned academically and socially. My major subjects include accounting, statistics and economics. I have outstanding marks in all of these courses. I feel that the instructors have done an excellent job preparing me for more in-depth study of Economics and Finance. My minor subjects at this time are maths, statistics and information technology. I believe that this combination of academic subjects has laid a proper foundation for my future studies. I especially feel that my information technology class has been helpful in showing me the possibilities for using technology to apply my knowledge of Economics and Finance. My time at David Game College has helped me to grow and mature as a student and as a friend. I have especially benefited from the opportunities I have been given to work collaboratively with classmates. An important learning experience came when I was assigned to produce a report with two other students that held very little in common with myself. While uncomfortable at first, we soon found that the most important thing we shared in common was the desire to do well on the report. As a result, we began to focus on our common goal instead of differences in culture and belief. We completed the report and received outstanding marks. This was an important learning experience because I realize that working in Economics and Finance will require me to work with all kinds of people from all over the world. I learned that if you focus on a common goal, differences seem to be less important. These are exciting times for the study of Economics and Finance. The global recession and financial meltdown, state debt and trade relations are in the news daily. I believe that when times are bleak, knowledge and understanding are the only things that can help to brighten a situation. Understanding the complexities of a national economy and then being able to apply

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Code switching between English and other languages Essay

Code switching between English and other languages - Essay Example In bilingual or multilingual communities the use of language occurs in a harmonizing way as the speaker shifts between languages as to execute their function which can be either approaching economic need or developing a friendly relationship. Lets take an example of a dialogue held between two Indian speakers who are code-switching between English, Hindi and Kannada. Jayalakshmi, one of the speakers, before presenting her analysis of the conversation held with her friend with reference to code-switching introduces herself as a multilingual. India, a large part of south Asia, remained under British rule for almost ninety years and during this period English remained an official language so it was widely learnt formally. Even after getting independence English remained there as an official language and Hindi became the national language. According to Hewings and Tagg Language policy is introduced in a country by its politicians when a huge political change takes place e.g. after independence or a war. The official language of a country gets a high status and used at institutional, government and international level whereas the national language is marked for its national identity which possesses social and cultural values (Hewings and Tagg (edds) 2012). From Jaya’s commentary we come to know that she speaks a variety of languages which include Hindi as her national language, Kannada as her mother tongue, Bengali as her neighbours communicated in it and some other regional languages. When we hear Jaya’s conversation with her colleague on her workplace we apprehend that English has been used as an official language. Nitin speaks most of English while discussing an official problem and his switching less to other languages is an outcome of the influence of Jaya’s abode which is England. It is noteworthy that Jaya who is supposed to bring a solution to Nitin’s problem unconsciously switch to

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Labour Party to socialism Essay Example for Free

Labour Party to socialism Essay ‘Explain the ideas and policies which link the modern Labour Party to socialism’. (10 marks) Socialism is the economic system based on cooperation rather than competition of businesses which utilizes centralized planning and redistribution of wealth. Industry is state owned and therefore companies have government monopolies on them which results in no competition. Industries are redistributed though the state to achieve a fairer society. Traditional Labour values were indeed a form of socialism as some of their core values include a large welfare state, mild redistribution of wealth through taxes and social mobility. Socialism was founded in 1789 if the modern day Labour party had the same ideologies as those of the original socialist politicians then it would be considered a far right party in today’s political spectrum. Since its origins, the principles of socialism have evolved into many different forms of itself to make it compatible with society. There are many links to many differing forms of socialism both traditional and modern in today’s Labour party. Democratic socialists i.e. Labour believe in Equality of opportunity this means that everyone has the same opportunities to maximise their potential and accomplish high positions in life no matter what their background or ethnicity, for example a labourer’s child can become a lawyer or politician if he/she desires and they will not be discriminated against. This is still one of Labour’s core values, therefore linking to traditional socialism. Another concept of democratic socialism is the redistribution of wealth an example of ‘New Labour’ doing that is increasing the amount in social housing estates, or the introduction of the ‘windfall tax’ which raised ?5billion to set up the ‘New Deal’ which helps the long term unemployed back to work through training and employment, thus giving opportunities to those who previously didnt have the skills to generate their own wealth. Traditional socialism wants radical constitutional reform e.g. democratise institutions such as the House of Lords. ‘New Labour’ does want constitutional reform such as the de-centralisation of power and mild House of Lords reform e.g. it is elected not inherited. So therefore shows that Labour does still have socialist values.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

teenage wasteland Essay -- essays research papers

The Teenage Wasteland, why was it so good? Growing up in the recent generations is very challenging. Children at such young ages, even younger than teens have been faced with such perilous decisions. It is especially hard for teenagers to find acceptance at this point in their lives. Here is an instance that is so common in this day and age, yet this particular case is only fiction. A teenage boy named Donny has been going through a few changes in his appearance. His parents, Matt and Daisy, are somewhat disturbed yet they don’t say much to him. Then one day Daisy gets a call from Donny’s school administrator and tells her that his grades are attitude are dropping scale. He eventually gets kicked out of private school and does poorly in public school. Daisy was concerned and decided to take advice from the school and psychologist to get help from a highly reputable tutor, Calvin Applebee. Instead of Donny’s parents talking to their son they hire Cal, which tries to handle Donny’s lack of emotion an d performance. Donny’s performance didn’t change with Cal, at least in the school aspect, but Cal kept reassuring Daisy and Matt that it would change and to give it more time. In result, Donny runs away after being sent home because he was expelled for being caught with drugs in his locker and months later he still has not returned home. Who is to blame? Should Daisy and Matt been more disciplined on Donny? Well, in Anne Tyler’s short story the Teenage Wasteland this is just what happened. I really enjoyed this story because I feel it really focused on an issue that is so common in our generation. It was easy to read and was straight to the point. I especially enjoyed the role of the dumbfounded parents, Cal’s cynical character, and in result of the all their foolishness, the action Donny resulted in taking. It was really funny to me to see how Donny’s parents could be so oblivious to all that was happening to Donny. They were very good parents but didn’t but enough discipline on him. They instead let the school, the psychologist, and especially the Cal run the life of Donny. Daisy and Matt should never have given so much control to everyone else over their own son. Daisy tried helping Donny in school, even having to start supper late at times and spending less time around her other daughter. It wasn’t always pleasant because when Matt would come home she would... ...r’s story may not have been happy but it ended as more of a realistic matter. Maybe she decided to conclude the book with the disappearance of Donny to show some parents how important is truly is to communicate and love their children unless they want the same thing to happened to their children that Donny experienced. I really enjoyed â€Å"Teenage Wasteland† because it displayed a topical issue some parents have actually faced in their lifetime. It was exceptional the way the story was wrapped up. Not that I don’t enjoy happy endings but I am more interested in reading stories that may be written in fiction but that I can actually relate to and imagine it happening. Anne Tyler displayed this real life situation through a fiction tale that has such valuable lessons to be learned. Donny’s just a teenager who was going through a rough time in his life and just wanted to be loved and to love himself. It isn’t always happy the way children turn out but parents do make the difference and communication is a key to success. I feel Tyler displayed this quite clear in her short story so everyone could learn a lesson worth learning to prevent this astounding situation from happening to others.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Reading Is a Skill Essay

Reading is a necessary skill in your everyday life. We use it to discover new things; books, magazines and internet. It requires the ability to read and understand what is read. It is fundamental to function in today’s society. If you don’t read well no matter who you are, you have a hard time in life. Reading is a vital skill in finding a job. In order to have a job, you need to know how to read mainly English. Reading is important because it develops the mind. The mind is a muscle, it needs exercise. Reading is necessary for men and women of all ages and it is used in everyday life. Reading is fundamental to function in today’s society. Reading is used in everyday life; we read signs, instructions on a medicine bottle, and filling out applications. There are many adults who cannot read well enough to understand the instructions on a medicine bottle. Filling out applications becomes impossible without help. Reading road or warning signs is difficult. If you don’t know how to read you probably have a difficult life, you don’t understand things and becomes impossible without help. It’s a scary thought that a fully grown man or women does not know how to read. Reading is a day-to-day activity; you do it all day, even when you don’t realize it. Reading is a vital skill in finding a good job. All jobs require you to read, it doesn’t matter what field or occupation you’re in, you have to know how to read. Many well-paying jobs require reading as a part of job performance. There are reports and memos which must be read and responded to. Poor reading skills increase the amount of time it takes to absorb the information and do the work. A person is limited in what they can accomplish without good reading and comprehension skills. Reading is important because it develops the mind. The mind is a muscle. It needs exercise. As you read, the written words make the mind grow. Teaching young children to read helps them develop their language skills. It also helps them learn to listen and understand. Reading develops the imagination unlike TVs and computer games can. With reading, a person can go anywhere in the world†¦ or even out of it! They can be a king, queen, adventurer, anything! The possibilities are endless. Non-readers never experience these joys to the same extent, they have a harder life. All in all, I believe reading is an educational advancement. You need it to function in today’s society, it is a vital skill in finding a good job, and it develops the mind. It is a way to broaden our knowledge and spark new ideas. It is a necessary skill and we use it everyday at all times. I don’t read a lot, but I believe that if I read more I would be one of the best . Reading helps you understand things clearer and better. Reading is necessary and is used in everyday life; adolescents, teens, and seniors have and will be using reading until the world is over. It will advance more and someone one day will find a better way to advance the reading field, making everyone shine and understand it better!

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Fedex External Environment

FedEx External Environment Audit 1. How is the industry structured? The industry is defined by NAICS as the logistics, transportation, and related business services. This is a very broad definition because it doesn’t define the main function of the business, which is express delivery and shipping that includes a wide range of services for both businesses and consumers. FedEx offers express delivery, ground, and freight shipping, in domestic and international markets. The most important dominant economic traits of the express delivery and shipping industry are: Market Size and Growth * The express delivery and shipping industry is $189B with a growth rate of 0. 1% globally. Although there has been a -2% decline in the industry in the U. S. , there is a tremendous amount of potential growth in the developing and international markets. The shipping services industry could be classified as being in the mature stage of the industry life cycle since the main focus is increasing mark et share and increasing cash flow. Future growth is dependent on the penetration and development of new markets. -Degree of Product Differentiation Companies within the industry are differentiated by price, the markets they serve, reliability, and speed. Smaller firms who serve local segments are differentiated by the custom and personalized level of service. Larger firms who serve the global segment are differentiated by price, guaranteed delivery, and service. Price is a major factor for e-commerce businesses relying on the price of shipping and delivery times. Prices for shipping smaller individual packages are similar, but companies who ship in high volume get a break. Although there is some loyalty, price is a determining factor for businesses. Scope of competitive rivalry/number of rivals * A few major players in the shipping industry dominate the world market. FedEx, UPS, DHL, and USPS hold 67% of the market share who ship worldwide and within the U. S. Larger firms have an a dvantage based on brand recognition and the wide range of services they offer. Penetrating into international markets with growing economies will create an opportunity for larger firms to grow. -Number of buyers * Demand for express deliveries is dependent upon the health of the global economy and the growth of e-commerce.As the economy grows, so does the demand for shipment of products to consumers and other businesses. As the economy slows down, so do the number of businesses using shipping and freight services to deliver products. During a recession, businesses shut down, and consumers stop spending buying products online, which directly effects the number of items being shipped. -Economies of scale * Larger firms tend to have more â€Å"hubs,† which are local sorting facilities for packages before reaching their final destinations, which creates efficiency in the delivery process, as well as reaching more locations that smaller companies cannot.Economies of scale also hel ps with various costs, such as fuel, which is a major cost in the shipping and freight industries. 2. What is competition like? What forces are at work? According to Porter’s 5-forces model, express delivery and shipping industry is very competitive. The five forces are listed in order from strongest to weakest. -Intensity of rivalry => Very Strong Intensity of rivalry among current competitors is extremely high to increase market share. The large firms, such as FedEx and UPS, must consistently compete in price, service, reliability, and implement new technologies to improve the efficiency of shipment.Cost of fuel has risen 6. 8% from 2011 which is the main operating expense in the industry and is difficult for firms to pass on the cost to the customers due to low switching costs. Margins remain low making it very competitive to maintain the volume of shipment and avoiding price wars. -Bargaining Power of Suppliers => Strong The main suppliers would be the oil companies who s upply fuel and the suppliers of human resources, which are the employees. Although these are not direct suppliers in the conventional sense, they do have a significant impact on the day-to-day functions.Global supplies and demands of fuel directly impact its cost, which is the main variable effecting margin of the industry. The human capital of its workforce directly affects the efficiency of its daily functions and the reliability that consumers depend on. Employees have power bargaining power by possibly going on strike which could bring deliveries to a halt. In that sense it, employees have a strong bargaining power and could demand higher pay, increase in benefits, and better working conditions. -Bargaining Power of Buyers => StrongLarge shipping companies depend more on businesses that use who ship products in high volume. The switching costs can be very little to practically nothing, causing the industry to lack brand loyalty. Customers can easily switch over to a competitor w ho offers service that’s slightly cheaper or at a faster speed. Firms rely on businesses and e-commerce for their own industry to be profitable. -Threat of New Entrants => Weak Threat of new entrants is low. The cost of fixed assets to be competing in the industry is extremely high. It would cost billions of dollars to obtain the proper number of airplanes, trucks, and software.This would also require billions of dollars in fuel cost, maintenance, and human capital to operate properly. It would also be difficult for a new entrant to gain market share due to the high brand recognition of the industry leaders making it difficult to differentiate them in a substantial way. Even with economies of scale, profit margins are very narrow making it difficult to gain a profit. Distribution and number of â€Å"hubs† would be difficult to match. -Threat of Substitutes => Weak There isn’t really a substitute that can take the place of physically moving products from one plac e to another.In the past, the internet has replaced mail and delivery for the transfer of documents and funds. Value- net analysis reveals various complements could help differentiate firms from one another. Additional services for businesses with marketing materials and packaging would help firms to increase business for their customers. In conclusion, this is an extremely competitive industry. Although there is no threat of substitutes for this type of service, it is a very difficult industry to profit and compete in. 3. What trends are driving changes in the industry? Trends that are causing changes in the industry are: Increased globalization of the industry (+) * Businesses are becoming more globalized and penetrating into international markets will be key to the growth of the industry. There is an increase of businesses in developing countries and there is an increase in e-commerce. -Increasing fuel cost (-) * Fuel is the biggest cost in the express delivery industry and many recent global supply problems have increased the costs. Political uprisings in the Middle East, and threats of war across the region affect supply. Major price fluctuations cut into profits. -Going green (+) Many countries and industries have been pushing the green efforts. Car and truck companies have been producing electric and hybrid vehicles that can significantly reduce the cost of fuel. The long-term savings will outweigh the short-term cost of replacing and updating vehicles to hybrids. -Increased competition and regulation in new markets (-) * Government owned express delivery service providers usually monopolize the industry in the country and can impose regulations to prevent private and foreign companies to do business, or even impose strict customs processes. -Businesses switching to online models (+) More businesses are switching to online models to reduce inventory and overhead costs. With the increase of the number of people with access to computers and the Internet, new markets are appearing with the ability to purchase online. Businesses have increased their online presence, and offer online purchasing and even mobile apps for convenience. This increases the number of shipments direct from warehouses to customers, and creates a dependence on shipping services. The trends are mostly positive suggesting that the future of the expressing shipping services industry is likely to increase, yet will be very competitive.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Security Manager - Working with and leading people The WritePass Journal

Security Manager - Working with and leading people Task 1: Teamwork mini project Security Manager Working with and leading people ). I demonstrated a proper knowledge of the job role as well as presented specific skills in organising important job roles and responsibilities. Moreover, I illustrated adequate communication and teamwork skills that have contributed to the successful completion of the project. I was able to work with culturally diverse individuals and lead them accordingly (Sohmen, 2013). However, I could have done better in improving my knowledge of specific aspects of security policies, rules and regulations pertaining to the job position. I could have taken my time to explore each of these aspects in detail in order to provide a better understanding of the specificity of the profession, which could have helped me focus on selecting the right candidates (Adams et al., 2012). Although I believe I have good skills in assessing people’s potential in a particular field, I need to do more research on this topic to improve my own capacity of working with and leading culturally diverse individuals (Tiffan, 2014). I could have also improved my cultural awareness considering the highly diverse workforce of the educational institution. In conclusion, this task has been completed successfully because of the focus on teamwork at all stage of the process. Task 4: Discussion of the main financial statements of a company There are three key components involved in the financial statements of a company, which are a profit and loss statement, balance sheet, and cash flow statement. All the key components are used as a whole, to provide a clear picture of the financial position and financial results of a company (Parker, 2009). A structure designed for each of the financial statements is considered the most important element, though the influential decision depends on the requirements of the user. The key point supporting the importance of the profit and loss statement is that it is one of the most important financial statements and users like to observe the financial statements of a company, since it has the capability to help users or businesses generate profit by examining the over financial report (Buffett and Clark, 2008). In addition, the information inserted in the profit/loss statement is mostly released in the applicable currency, so it can provide a reasonable level of accuracy. Though, profit/ loss does not show the amount of assets and liabilities required by a company to generate a profit (Parker, 2009). Moreover, its financial results are not necessarily associated with the total cash flows generated by a company. The accuracy of this statement can be suspected when the  cash basic  of the accounting method is used. It is important to focus on ensuring accuracy as part of the broad purpose of accounting. Thus, the profit/loss statement, when utilised, can be fairly misleading. Balance sheet is expected to be positioned at a second place by many users, since it does not provide the financial results of business operations, and some of the information provided in it may be based on past business costs (Kalsyte and Verikas, 2013). This makes the balance sheet report less instructive or informative. However, the balance sheet is considered to have importance when compared with the profit/loss statement, since this sheet provides the amount of investment requirement to maintain the sales and profits shown on the profit/loss statement (Buffett and Clark, 2008). The third most important component of financial statement is cash flow, because it mainly focuses on recording cash inflows and outflows (Parker, 2009). This financial report provides a clearer analysis of a companys cash flows than the profit/loss statement, which can sometimes present unbiased results, particularly when accruals are authorised under the  growth basis  of accounting (Palea, 2014). It is essential to understand the concept of the  balance sheet, as it provides a company’s financial situation  at any period of time, while a  profit/loss statement  provides a company’s overall financial performance  within a set period of time. The profit/loss statement normally shows a company’s financial performance over a period, such as being released every year or after six months (Parker, 2009). On the other hand, the balance sheet gives a snap shot of the financial position accurately at the year-end or month-end.   Finance managers rely on the balance sheet statements to examine whether purchasing certain equipment on debt is the right choice for a company at that time (Palea, 2014). The balance sheet also provides the owners equity; for instance, it indicates the total value of the inventory and the number of a company’s shares identified as outstanding. The profit/loss statement is one of the most important documents because it plays a significant role in a company’s  decision making process. The profit/loss statement is an end result of the financial information that is provided in the  journals and ledgers,  and then changed  into brief, summarised, compiled  revenue and expense  structures (Bao, Li, Wu, Zhu et al., 2014). This statement shows the overall revenues and expenses of a company for a set period of time. Senior managers and shareholders can find prosperity of valuable information on the profit/loss statement including the company’s overall sales,  profits, retained earnings, net profits, and operating earnings. From this information, finance experts can determine and distinguish vital information about a company’s performance. Profit/loss statements usually give information for more than one period, for example two successive years (Buffett and Clark, 2008). It is simple to compare the financial results from one period to the next and conclude trends in earnings and expenditures. Whereas, cash flow statement is considered to be the most crucial element for any enterprise’s financial performance. It calculates the amount of capital that enters into a company and out of it over a specified time period. In this way, an enterprise is able to analyse and control how much capital it has in inflow to pay expenses and purchase assets. There is a difference existing in the structure of financial statements (profit/loss statement and balance sheet) for different types of business, such as sole trader, partnership and private/public limited company. Each company has different financial and economical positions so they use different financial statements with different structures that satisfy their financial positions (Bao et al., 2014). The financial statements gather the financial information from the sales and services provided and include the net taxable profit or loss for each month. Different types of business use different structures. For a sole proprietor, the financial statement is easy and simple because the financial report is just provided for the proprietor of the company. This means that it does not have to provide any balance sheet and profit/loss statement (Parker, 2009).   The report just needs to provide or to show profit and loss financial information, whereas a private limited and public limited c ompany, which has to organise its’ report based on accounting standards. There are two types mostly used by companies: international financial reporting standard (IFRS) and generally accepted accounting principle (GAAP). If financial statements are not structured based on standards it is complicated to evaluate and compare performance with that of other companies. For a partnership, the financial structure is focused on providing the profit/dividend and total contribution by partners in the investment capital of a company (Ronen, 2006). The objective of the financial statement is revealed in the balance sheet, profit/loss, cash flow and loss statement. When creating financial statements, the profit/loss statement would typically be structured first because the net profit or loss becomes a part of the statement in the balance sheet, or in a partners’ capital. Moreover, the end of a partner’s capital statement becomes a part of the balance sheet (Parker, 2009). The financial statement is focused on examining the total capital and profits of a company that are distributed inside its structure. For a public and private limited company, the financial statement must provide the following components: current assets, non-current assets, current liabilities, total sales, total profits, payable, dividends, and share prices (Ronen, 2006). References Adams, B. L., Cain, H. R. and Giraud, V. (2012). ‘Leadership, Motivation, and Teamwork Behaviors of Principal Investigator’s in Interdisciplinary Teams: A Synthesis of Research’. Journal of Leadership Education, vol. 11(2), pp. 176-191.Bao, C., Li, J., Wu, D., Zhu, X., Liang, C. and Liu, C. (2014). ‘Optimization of Integrated Risk in Commercial Banking Based on Financial Statements’. Procedia Computer Science, vol. 31, pp. 501-510.Buffett, M. and Clark, D. (2008). Warren Buffett and the Interpretation of Financial Statements: The Search for the Company with a Durable Competitive Advantage. New York: Scribner. Kalsyte, Z. And Verikas, A. (2013). ‘A Novel Approach to Exploring Company’s Financial Soundness: Investor’s Perspective’. Expert Systems with Applications, vol. 40(13), pp. 5085-5092. Pacios, A. R. and de la Fuente, G. (2013). ‘Teamwork and Leadership in a Virtual Learning Environment’. RUSC: Revista de Universidad y Sociedad del Conocimiento, vol. 10(2), pp. 358-374. Palea, V. (2014). ‘Are IFRS Value-Relevant for Separate Financial Statements? Evidence from the Italian Stock Market’. Journal of International Accounting, Auditing and Taxation, vol. 23(1), pp. 1-17. Parker, R. H. (2009). Understanding Company Financial Statements. New York: Penguin Books. Reevy, G. M., Chamberlain, C. J. and Stein, J. (2013). ‘Identifying Collaboration, Teamwork, and Leadership Practices on Campus’. Currents in Teaching Learning, vol. 6(1), pp. 4-17. Ronen, J. (2006). ‘A Proposed Corporate Governance Reform: Financial Statements Insurance’. Journal of Engineering and Technology Management, vol. 23, pp. 130-146. Sohmen, V. S. (2013). ‘Leadership and Teamwork: Two Sides of the Same Coin’. Journal of Information Technology Economic Development, vol. 4(2), pp. 1-18. Stupans, I. (2013). ‘Development of Contemporary Leadership Capacity through Teamwork in an Online Environment: A Pilot Study’. International Journal of Teaching Learning in Higher Education, vol. 25(2), pp. 262-268. Tiffan, B. (2014). ‘The Art of Team Leadership’. Journal of Health-System Pharmacy, vol. 15, pp. 799-801.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

The Number of Countries in the World

The Number of Countries in the World The answer to the seemingly simple geographical question of How many countries are there? is that it depends on whos doing the counting. The United Nations, for example, recognizes 241 countries and territories. The United States, however, officially recognizes fewer than 200 nations. Ultimately, the best answer is that there are 196 countries in the world. Heres why. United Nations Member States There are 193 member states in the United Nations. This total is often cited inaccurately as the actual number of countries in the world; its inaccurate because there are two other members with limited status. Both the Vatican (officially known as the Holy See), which is an independent nation, and the Palestinian Authority, which is a quasi-governmental body, have been granted permanent observer status at the United Nations. These two entities can take part in all official UN activities but cannot cast votes in the General Assembly. Likewise, some nations or regions of the world have declared their independence and are recognized by a majority of UN member states yet are not part of the United Nations. Kosovo, a region of Serbia that declared independence in 2008, is one such example.   Nations Recognized by the United States The United States officially recognizes other nations through the State Department. As of May 2018, the State Department recognized  195 independent countries around the world. This list reflects the political agenda of the United States of America and its allies. Unlike the United Nations, the United States maintains full diplomatic relations with Kosovo and the Vatican. However, one nation is missing from the State Departments list that should be on it. The Nation That Isnt The island of Taiwan, formally known as the Republic of China, meets the requirements for an independent country or state status. However, all but a handful of nations refuse to recognize Taiwan as an independent nation. The political reasons for this date back to the late 1940s, when the Republic of China was ousted from mainland China by Mao Tse Tungs communist rebels and ROC leaders fled to Taiwan. The communist Peoples Republic of China maintains that it has authority over Taiwan, and relations between the island and mainland have been strained. Taiwan was actually a member of the United Nations (and even the Security Council) until 1971 when mainland China replaced Taiwan in the organization. Taiwan, which has the worlds 29th-largest economy, continues to press for full recognition by others. But China, with its growing economic, military, and political clout, has largely been able to shape the dialogue on this issue. As a result, Taiwan cannot fly its flag at international events such as the Olympics and must be referred to as Chinese Taipei in some diplomatic situations. Territories, Colonies, and Other Non-Nations Dozens of territories and colonies are sometimes erroneously called countries but dont count because theyre governed by other countries. Places commonly confused as being countries include Puerto Rico, Bermuda, Greenland, Palestine, and Western Sahara. The components of the United Kingdom (Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales, and England) are  not fully independent countries, either, though they do enjoy a degree of autonomy. When dependent territories are included, the United Nations recognizes a total of 241 countries and territories.   So How Many Countries Are There? If you use the U.S. State Departments list of recognized nations and also include Taiwan, there are  196 countries in the world. The same number is reached if you count the UN voting members, its two permanent observers, and Taiwan. This is why 196 is probably the best current answer to the question.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Management of the Natural Resources by the Government of Botswana Dissertation

Management of the Natural Resources by the Government of Botswana - Dissertation Example This research will begin with the statement that despite initial success, that took place just when the post-colonial era started in African continent during the 1960’s and 1970’s, in the modern context, Africa is on an on economic downslope where poverty and hunger is persistently increasing in many of its States, with a universally accepted pessimism regarding its future economic prospects Various reports show that the general Sub-Saharan countries are turning poorer at a faster rate, than any low-income country worldwide. The average economic growth rate has been persistently in the negative from round 1965, with an average 35-times difference in the US and the African per-capita income level. However, amidst this depressing picture of low economic growth one African country has performed better than any other nation in the world, in the span of the last 35 years, which is Botswana. Botswana â€Å"had a PPP-adjusted income per capita of $5,796 in 1998, almost four t imes the African average, and between 1965 and 1998, it grew at an annual rate of 7.7 percent†. In 2002, we find that Botswana â€Å"exported some US$ 2 billion of diamonds, nickel, copper, gold, and other resources—over 80 percent of its total exports†. The presence of diamonds had significantly backed Botswana’s strong economic growth, until the late 1990s, after which the average growth rate has fallen slightly owing to the recent diversification of the economy, where we find Botswana is now not dependent purely on the revenues that are earned from its natural resources.It is a general belief that economies that are wholly dependent on natural resources, tend to have a slow economic growth, which is often referred to as the â€Å"resource curse.† Botswana, however, did not have a favorable start right after its independence and was considered a poor country with little chances of elevation in their economic conditions. It is here that diamonds ha ve played an important role and currently account for almost 40 % of the country's natural resource output. Even though we find that Botswana had in the past experienced strong growth owing to its rich natural resources, however such growth, as predicted by many economists, is not sustainable on a long-term basis. This is owing to the fact that the mining industry does not offer too many job opportunities. Figures show that in Botswana while the mining sector contributed almost 40 % to the total national GDP, it created only around 4 % employment opportunities. The present economic diversification has already started showing a negative impact on the national economy, and it is as Iimi framed it â€Å"specific and intensified capital investment in the primary sector has restrained Botswana from benefiting from forward and backward linkages and labor market externalities†. Besides this factor, it has been contended by many experts that geographical location where a country is f ar from the sea, makes it difficult to create the strong economy that is based only on the abundant natural resources. Products from the natural resources are generally exported to other countries by the sea route, thus leading to very high shipping charges. A look at the African resource-rich countries will show us many of them are landlocked, including Botswana. Almost all experts universally acknowledge the fact that Botswana achieved this unprecedented economic growth and development by adopting effective management policies, and with a stable basic legal system that functioned reasonably well.â€Å"

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Economics Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Economics - Article Example About $607bn (Â £380bn) of investments and tax increases are intended, including decline in the defence finances, the end of a employee tax celebration, transform to Medicare stipend and elevated individual taxes. The poorer are positioned to drop child and earnings credit, but Mr. Obama has made less references to other portions of the incentive deal is set to end ahead of tax cuts. The fiscal cliff is about to give results because Congress is unsuccessful to arrive at a deal on shortage following a stand-off above the US debt at maximum levels in mid-2011 (Wible 74). Congressional Republicans have alleged ever since previous weeks US elections that they are released to elevating income by tax alterations and finishing loopholes, but resist tax increase on the rich. The president has always resisted expanding the Bush-age tax cuts for wages over $250,000 a year, but confers into Republican claims in 2010 when the tax cuts were previously reconsidered for restoration. Mr Obama would not like this to happen again. He told that he was positive that the White House and Congress could arrive at an agreement to evade the "fiscal cliff", as the US financial system could not have the funds for it. He proposed the quick expansion of all the dying tax cuts apart from the top prices, tracking a more complete alteration of the tax code as well as several of the US largest profited programmes, together with the Social Security in 2013. In doing so, he detach himself from his personal party who want mutual tax increases and cuts to occur as it is an arrangement to give Mr. Obama a better negotiating position. Doing this would generate more doubt in the financial marketplaces. House Speaker has programmed a reaction to Mr. Obama, as the White House intended to assemble the congressional leaders, when in cooperation they are anticipated to

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Laboratory Informstion System for Academic Medical Center Coursework

Laboratory Informstion System for Academic Medical Center - Coursework Example pag). Also, it is more convenient to use considering the speed and the volume of data available in the system (Robinson n. pag). Lastly, it facilitates more efficient project management: a single service provider gives more detailed, responsive, and coordinated action in times of system errors or even, in the regular maintenance of the system. B. An example of a fully integrated solution is the HNA Millenium  ®, a system built to automate electronic medical record, patient care ordering, review of resident orders, closed-loop medication management, health information management, and access management (Krishna 18). For its laboratory system component, it seeks to reduce the average turn-around time for laboratory and radiology reports (â€Å"The Gemini Project† 117). Diagnostic results are expected to be made available to the physician within seconds after verification. Another example of an integrated solution is Matrix’s Tafnit ERP system, a comprehensive solution fo r laboratory functions. It installs the â€Å"Autolab† LIS that is used to issue referrals and obtain data for billing (â€Å"Assuta Medical Centers† n. pag). ... pag). Scenario 2 Detailed Requirements Document i. Stakeholders The most essential initiative in an organization is to provide the needs of its stakeholders--for without them [stakeholders], an organization works as good as nothing. Incorporating radiology images into the Personal Health Record System would further advance this initiative and is expected to benefit various stakeholders. Below is the list of the prospective stakeholders with their corresponding needs: 1. Patients- More than anyone else, they are the ones who would want timely and easy access to services. Remarkably, patients today have low levels of tolerance for delayed or lost reports and films. Patients’ minimum expectation [that needs to be served] is to receive quickly generated, readily available, and reliable radiological reports (Thrall). 2. Referring physicians- As much as possible, physicians would like to have timely access to patient information. For decades, film handling and delivery systems for h ard-copy reports have frustrated physicians because of these systems’ inefficiency and poor reliability (Thrall). 3. Hospitals- Primarily confronted with severe cost-cutting pressures, hospitals seek to find cost-cutting measures: lowering the average lengths of stay, cutting the length of care-process cycle, as well as eliminating some unnecessary inpatient days. Interestingly, hospitals are eyeing on the radiology department to achieve the aforementioned objectives (Thrall). 4. Radiologists- Similar to physicians, these key stakeholders are also confronted with unreliable and inefficient hard-copy film management systems. A more improved infrastructure for practice-support and implementation of systems is vital for their tasks (Thrall). ii.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

The Mission And Vision Of British Airways Business Essay

The Mission And Vision Of British Airways Business Essay British Airways is one of the oldest and the most reputed airlines functioning in the world. It was started on 1st September in the year 1974. It is the official airline of the United Kingdom. It is owned by the government of the United Kingdom but it is run by private firms. It is also known as BA. It was formed by the merger of four airlines they are The British Overseas Airlines Corporation (BOAC), The British European airways (BEA), Cambrian Airways and finally the Northeast Airlines this took place on 31st march 1974. Thus BA was formed. It was one of the few prestigious airline to fly the Concorde the supersonic passenger plane. It has a large fleet of 239 aircrafts. It flies to 300 destinations. It employees 42,755 employ . It is a public limited company also listed on the London stock exchange. The main headquarters of BA are Heathrow airport and Gatwick airport both are situated in London. It is also a star alliance member. The total revenue earned by BA in the year 2010 was  £7,994 million. Mission And Vision:- Visi Fig1.1 Mission, Vision, goals, objective cycle It is defined as A mission describes the organization basic function in society , in terms of the product and services for its customer -Mintzberg The above definition explains how important a mission is for a organization as it helps in building its own image in front of the customer that it wishes to give services to. It maybe a just a sentence but it creates a image in the mind of the reader what the organization is made up of. It also helps to give the brand a competitive edge as the mission statement will help in showing the uniqueness of the brand. The mission statement of British Airways is as follows One Destination seeks to ensure our customers fly confident that, together, we are acting responsibly to take care of the world we live in. BA mission statement on reading creates a mindset that they always be safe on ground or in air and they want the customer to feel safe and confident when they fly British airways. They have also maintained their mission statement as they have least accident history and they always have new fleets and always updated with latest technology. Values:- Organizational values define the acceptable standards which govern the behaviour of individuals within the organization. Without such values, individuals will pursue behaviours that are in line with their own individual value systems, which may lead to behaviours that the organization doesnt wish to encourage. Thus values are very important for the organisation for achieving the vision that it aims for(Value of Organizational value)( on 22ndApril 2011) The values of BA are as follows:- OBJECTIVE:- Objectives are normally quantified statements of what the organisation actually intends to achieve over a period of time. According to Mintzberg (1997), Business Enviourment; Viva books. He says that objective help the organisation to conduct activities that will help in acquiring the mission of the organisation. He also says while forming a the objective the organisation must use the SMART technique. The objective should contain these points. Fig 1.2 SMART Objective The objective of BA is as follows:- Fig 1.3 Objective of BA 1.b) Evaluate the extent to which an organization achieves the objectives of three stakeholders. The individual or groups who have interest in how a organisation performs because they have some stake in it and thus it affects them in someway. In the modern world they are mainly of two types which include primary and secondary stakeholders (Stokes D., (2002) Small Business Management (4th edition) Thomson Publications: UK.) The primary and secondary stakeholder of BA have a effect on the airline as they are somehow related to the organization. Thus in the table below the author has shown how both of these can affect the airline Stakeholders General Interest Influence Shareholders .A Steady flow of revenue .Should be well informed about the risk and plans .Continuation of Business -Exercising ones right to vote -Checking the annual book as well as the statements. -To defend against wrong issues Managers .Pay and Status .Job Security .Job Satisfaction -Growth of the organisation -Participating to improve the organisation with recommendations Employees .Job Security .Pay and Condition .Job Satisfaction -The union may go on strike -Exposure Customers .Receiving goods and services of a reasonable quality .Receive optimum level of services .Great value for money paid -Choosing other airline over BA -Bad impression about the airline -Not using it services Suppliers .Being paid promptly for the goods and services delivered .Receiving regular repayment of the capital provided -Not delivery the Services on time. -Serving competitors Government and General Public .The organisation is meeting the relevant legal requirements .Social welfare of public is protected .Helping the nation and public to progress -Licenses, law and permits -Strict laws against them -Social activist -Boycott or appreciate the company. Fig 1.4 Shareholders their interest and influence All the organisation in the world to run smoothly and efficiently need to satisfy its stakeholders as they have a stake in the organisation which can affect the organisation in both good and bad ways as shown in the table above. Thus British airways is no exception even they have tried to meet the satisfaction of the stakeholders so as to progress more and achieve their targets. Below are given the instances where British airways have satisfied its stakeholders Employees they are the most important part of the organisation for the smooth and progressive functioning of the organisation. As BA is a large organisation hence it employs a large no of employees whos need and wants he need to caters. Thus BA has done many changes like improving the workplace where they function reasonable working hours were allotted to them then they have also introduced various crew programme which help them improve the safety of themselves as well as the customer. BA has also started recruiting people from all over the globe so as to maintain a equality among the employees. Their wages are also improved compared to what they were paid earlier some changes were done by BA for some the union had fought to get it done Society are a major concern for organisation like BA because if society is not benefited from them they wont allow smooth functioning of the airline for the same reason BA has contributed a lot towards society by giving them employment in the firm also setting up various NGOs to help the underprivileged society also contributing some amount towards charity. They have even started cutting down their co2 gases by using much more fuel efficient engines as well as machines used at the airport thus contributing o save the enviourment. Customers are the important part for the organisation to progress because e if customers arent there then who will the airline serve and earn money from. As BA is in the service industry they need to take good care of their customers so as to improve their image as well as their market standings. For the same they have improved their economy class cabin by improving the quality of service provided also they have introduced the programme known as CUSTOMER KING which is for the first and business class travellers. They have also increased their security standard so to increase the safety of their passengers. Q.1c) Explain the responsibilities of an organisation and strategies employed to meet them? Social Responsibility of an organisation may be defined as the obligations that the organisation has towards the people and the enviourment in which the business functions. In other words the corporate social responsibility is a process where the organisation can improve its functioning in outdoor as well as indoor processes so as to increase the vision, improvement and add competitive advantage to the company. BA has to maintain the business ethical criterion responsibly they also known the importance of their stakeholders and hence they follow the regulation so as to protect the social, environmental, financial, and economical of the stakeholders. In order to complete these aspects BA follows all the legislation laws and rules laid down for safety, employment and other such stakeholder related aspects. By following these laws and jurisdiction BA shows loyalty towards the corporate social responsibility as a business should show. Below are given few social responsibility that British airways follows and tries to do the needful for it (Corporate responsibilities (2007) one destination [online] (updated on 2010) Available at: [Accessed 15th may 2011]. Environmental Protection Act:- BA has started to contribute a lot towards helping in saving the enviourment the reason being that there have been more strict rules by the government in recent years so to implement those and also create a healthy enviourment they have taken various steps in help protecting the enviourment The steps taken are as follows:- Fig 1.5 Enviourment Protection Act Safety and Security Act:- British airways are known for their stringent security measure that they follow. The safety of the passenger and crew are their highest priority. BA also follows the most advanced and sophisticated machinery in their services so as to assure the passenger that they are in safe hands. They also have a outstanding record in safety and security flied. Fig 1.5 Safety and Security Measures Employees Act:- The staff of a company are those people who work for a particular organisation or a industry, but apart from that they are a part of a large society where the organisation functions. The first labour law in Britain was made in 1974 for the people or employees of and organisation. The law consisted of various aspect that would help the employee to feel secured and satisfied in the workplace. Some of the laws were Self Organisation, Collective Bargains, To work what is suitable to employee, and job security. Thus BA follows these rules laid down by the government and also supports it. So as to keep the employees happy and smooth running of the organisation. 2.)Using PESTLE and any management tool you are familiar with evaluate the impact of macroeconomic policy measures and the influence of the global economy on British Airways and its stakeholders? PESTLE Policy Implications On BA Political Heavy Regulation (AEA,2009) Increased Security due to past terrorist attacks(DFT,2009) .Compliance is necessary if BA wants to continue operations .Enough security measure should be undertaken to maintain the competitive advantage and beliefs in consumers Economic -Economic Crisis the growth projected at only 2%in 2009(IMF,2008) -Pounds weakens against Euro Fluctuations of oil prices .Possible decline in the business travel as companies are using alternate methods like telephone conferencing. .BA will face poor exchange rate as well as due to the fluctuation it will affect their cost base as the rate they might get for the currency might get low Social The population in UK is ageing given by national statistics. Due to recession there is increased unemployment .This a great opportunity for BA as older generations have more money and time to spend. Technological New technologies regarding the fleet and improvement and addition to the fleet The number of people using e-check in has increased a lot .As there are new aircrafts coming in the market BA should keep its fleet updated with these machines .BA should keep itself updated so as to remain in the competition Environmental/ Ethical Expansion of its main terminal is difficult because it comes under Londons green belt area Consumer are aware of what are the effects of air travel as they are increasingly becoming more green. BA has to convert limited space into full utilisation of the capacity that it has BA has to adopt to all its environmental strategies to keep the consumer with them Legal Collusion and Fixed Pricing Open skies Agreement(AEA,2009) Restriction on having mergers will affect their alliance with American airlines .BA has a great opportunity of transferring aircrafts between him and America Fig 2 Pestle on BA ( The other macroeconomic policy that can effect BA are as follows:- -Monetary Policy in the UK is concerned with the decision of rate of interest and the supply of money in the economy. The one who controls the interest rate in the UK are the Bank of England Monetary Policy committee. The current rate decided by the bank of England is around 2.0% . If they decide to increase the rate then it wont be feasible for BA to borrow loans from them as they will have to pay very high interest rate thus they wont benefit from it. But if they lower the rates then BA can borrow from the bank and achieve their objective much quickly. -Exchange Rate Policy is handled by the government. The exchange rate is controlled by how much amount of gold and foreign exchange currency do they have in reserve in the central bank. The rate is even altered when the interest rates go higher or lower. If the exchange rate is high then BA will benefit as the goods it will buy will be cheaper as the currency they using will be higher and thus they can make profits. But if it goes down then BA will face losses as the things that were cheap will became expensive and they will have to increase the air fares which will see a decline in their sales. These are some policy that the author think can BA . All the organisations in the world are affected by the social economic and enviourment factors globally. As BA is a large organisation operating in more than 300 countries hence it has to fulfil and satisfy all its stakeholder. Britains economy policy affects a lot of organisation below is given their policies that influence them Government Organisations Overall Economic Policy -Market Demand -Cost of Finance -Taxation Industry Policy -Protection vs Free trade grants, -Incentives, Sponsorship Regulation eg:- Investor protection, company law, entry barrier, capacity Social Policy -Work Place regulation, -Employment Law -Labour Supply -Skills, Education Foreign Policy -Trade promotion -Export Credits EU and WTO obligations -Export promotion to allies Environmental and infrastructure Policy -Distribution Fig 2.2 Economic Policies of UK Social Welfare policy which BA follows are it has introduced work place regulation which enables its employees to work freely in the workplace as they have been given high level of training which helps them to do their work with much ease and perfection as well. The safety standard used by BA is also very high and the crew are also given sufficient amount of rest and training to function effectively. BA also has normal working standard and all the aspect that are included in the employment law. The employees are also given a lot benefits which include perks, pension, maternity allowance, social fund as well as other benefits which help make their private life better as well. These are some of the policy that BA follows towards its employees 3.) Explain whether the problems facing the British airways can be found in a planned economic system and discuss whether the economic system in which the BA operates allocates resources better. Different nations of the world use different approaches or types of economic system. The core of the economic problem is infinite desires versus limited assets. The study of economics is basically how nations allocate their resources in the best way so as to maximize the productility and services to fulfil the satisfaction of wants. In modern economies there are various ways of dealing with scarcity. The various kinds of economy are as follows:- Fig3.1The different types of economic systems (BPP, Learning media, (2007) Business essentials: Business environment (3rd edition) viva books Pvt ltd: London) The economy followed by Britain is a mixed economy because there is a balance between the market forces and the state interventions. The advantages of mixed economies are any one can set up a business and choose what to produce and even set their own cost. Even though they pay taxes they reap benefits through social programmes. The disadvantages of mixed economy are many business find it difficult to find a market for their products also they cant control the taxes they pay, merchants always complain that they are very high.( accessed on 14th may 2011) In mixed economy the decisions of resources provision would somewhat depend upon the forces of supply and demand curve and it might also depends on the aims and the objectives of the firm. BA after privatization faced a lot of changes as after the merger BA had changed some of its rule and accepted a few of the other airlines rule. It even started to fly to more international destination once the demand for that increased. Because of this reason their whole allocation shifted from one firm to anther and from domestic to international. Because BA is in a mixed economy there is always a chance of growth as the private firms will help them, Also BA has to complete all the requirements that are jotted down by the stakeholders or even the government. But as of now BA is fulfilling all the criteria that are laid down by the government as well as also helping the airline to grow as much as it can. Thus Mixed economy helps BA to allocate its resources better than any other economy would have. 4.) State the market in which the British Airways operate and discuss whether it is easy to merge in that type of market (regulatory environment implication etc)? The level and amount of competition faced by the firms varies a great deal. There are many types of market and no market is similar to each other in some single firms dominate in other there might be a lot of competition for the same product or service. The market structures that the firms operate are different from each other. Figure 4.1 The Different market structures. Perfect competition:- When there are many people in the market, and other condition are such , that no one can influence the price, all other things being equal. This occurs when there are lots of sellers and lots of buyers and nobody can have any effect on the total quantity for sale or the total amount that the buyers want. There is a freedom in the entry and exit of the industry. Monopoly:- When there is only one supplier for a product or service in a market we call that as monopoly market. The business owns a key source for which substitute is very hard to find. The pricing of the product is decided by the firm itself. Duopoly:- It is a market were two sellers compete with each other for a homogenous good . The output of the firm is believed to be fixed. The example can be If BA lowers its transatlantic fares then how will virgin react to it? It is a case between competition ad monopoly. Oligopoly:- When there are a few large suppliers, whose business decisions affect each other they are said to be in oligopoly market. The example that author has chosen is from the airline industry as he can link it to BA. Suppose if BA was to lower their airfare for a particular sector on which even virgin flies then to be in the competitive race even virgin will have to lower its prices. Thus in oligopoly market if one makes a decision then it has to effect the other. New firms cant enter this market as it requires huge amount of investment. This lowering of prices of both the companies is known as price wars. Competition Commission;- The competition commission is an self-governing public body established by competition Act 1998. It replaced the monopolies and Mergers Commission with a superior power to take authoritarian actions or measures in the closure of the company. BPP, Learning media, (2007) Business essentials: Business environment (3rd edition) viva books Pvt ltd: London). This body mainly makes sure that no organisation should form merger or cartels with each other to convert the market from oligopoly to monopoly market. 5.)Explain whether the British airways have benefited from international business/trade and the European Union. What will be the business implication to the BA, if the UK, joins the European Monetary Union (EMU). International trade is the exchange of goods and services between countries. An import is the UK purchase of a good or service made overseas. An export is the sale of a UK made good or service overseas. BA is a international airline which operates in more than 300 destination. It operates in continents Asia, Europe, America etc. As BA being a British company it has chosen Europe as its global market. One of the reason being that it is the member of the European union. BA has benefited from international trade big time for many of the events like given below:- -There is free trade of aircraft between BA and American airlines hence they can upgrade their fleet without paying the duties -The land cost in Britain is very high compared to rest of Europe hence they use to set up big factories which they need at places where the land is cheap. -The labour in many parts of Europe is also very cheap compared to Britain. -The currency they use is accepted all over Europe and hence they dont even lose any money on exchange rate. -The raw material which is needed by BA is obtained at much cheaper rate from European countries These are some of the benefits that BA has by doing intenational trade with the European union members. Fig5.1 Trading benefits with Europe

Friday, October 25, 2019

Essay --

David Kim Physics Lab 1 02/11/14 Section: A1 Introduction In Experiment 1, the objective was to weigh 150 pennies and find the best estimate value and the uncertainties for the weight of the pennies. Instrument uncertainty is the least value that can be read from the measuring device. It is always less than or equal to the least count. The least count is the smallest division that can be marked or shown from a certain instrument. The instrument uncertainty is equal to the least count in this experiment. Random errors are simply mistakes that are made due to the instrument being used or the measured object being poorly defined. The total uncertainty of a measurement is calculated by using the instrument uncertainty and the uncertainty due to fluctuation. Uncertainty due to fluctuation is dependent on the average and the total amount of times there was a measurement. This average is found when:  ¯x= 1/N (x_1+x_2+ †¦+ x_n ) N is the total number of measurements, x1 is the first measurement, x2 is the second measurement, and xn is the last measurement. The uncertainty due to fluctuation is found by: ∆x_fl= ÏÆ'_x/√N ÏÆ'_x is the standard deviation of the mean and N is the total number of measurements. Standard deviation can be found by: ÏÆ'_x= √((d_1^2+ d_2^2+ †¦+ d_N^2)/(N-1)) Where d_n(the derivative) is found by: d_n=x_n- x Ì… This in words is: the measurement of the nth term subtracted by the mean. Total uncertainty is found by: ∆x= √(∆x_ins^2+ ∆x_fl^2 ) Where ∆x_ins is the instrument uncertainty and ∆x_fl is the uncertainty due to fluctuation. Initial Data Part A1: Instrument Uncertainty Quiz Student has passed the test The following answers were entered for the digital device # 2: Units g Least count 0.1000 I... ...ould have to take around 300 measurements so that the results would be accurate and precise to the expected value of 100. In part B of the experiment, the standard mass of the penny between 1941 and 1982 was 3.100 g; and between 1983 and 2011, the standard mass was 2.500 g. The standard mass of the penny changed between 1982 and 1983. The mass was decreased by .600 g. Pennies lose or gain weight in circulation because most of the pennies were not 2.5 or 3.1 grams on the dot. The possible rust or erosion from the time it was in circulation helps to describe the range that the mass of the pennies had. In general, most of the measurements were accurate compared to the expected value. The measurements on the most part were accurate. However for the outliers, the rust and the erosion to the penny can describe the mass being significantly higher or lower.